All Travel teams (typically U11 and up) are required to print a game card. We would like all U10 coaches to print a game card. For U8 and below, we do not require game cards (but it's good practice if you like, for later).If you are a travel team, please print out a game card (game sheet) even if you are the home team. It is best to print the photo match card.
Bring BOTH your DSA Roster (instructions sent earlier) and this match card. If it’s blank (and many will see both teams are blank), just fill in your names/numbers. Make sure your names match what is on the roster (no nicknames).
Denton Soccer Association Mailing Address: PO BOX 2265 Zip: 76202 - 2265, Physical Address: 3018 N. Bonnie BraeDenton, Texas 76207
Email: [email protected]